Sunday, August 9, 2009

Cleaning the beach...

The rocky part of our beach

Yesterday afternoon we took Goshen to the beach for a few hours. "Our" beach is in some aspects a remote part of the coast line and therefore never crowded. Because of this there is neither any organised collecting of garbage. As I have told you before, a way too large number of Israelis show no respect to this beautiful nature and make no effort to bring their crap to the nearest garbage bin. As far as I am concerned, the lack of one is never a reason to leave garbage. In that case, you pack it in your car and bring it home!

We always bring a few plastic bags and fill them with garbage, first thing at arrival, and also when we bring the kids they get a lesson in being green. A few days ago some sea vessel dumped a large amount of garbage, plastic bags, sacks and rope outside of Israel and we got to see the result of that when we arrived yesterday. Our bags were filled much faster than normal. Sad, very sad...

Other than that, if was with great joy I was reunited with HaYam. The water is now 30 degrees and it has no cooling effect whatsoever. The jellyfish season is over and you just roll around in the water constantly. We also walked over to the rocky part and watched the tiny shrimps and fish between the rocks. We then discovered our own free and natural version of Fish Pedicure. When we put the feet in the small pools all the shrimps started crawling over the feet, nibbling and pulling on skin flakes and other dead tissue. However, I think the process here would be more time-consuming than with the real Doctor Fish...

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