Monday, June 15, 2009

Sunscreen and Midsummer flowers

The other day we stopped by the small supermarket to get some stuff and on the way out from the parking lot we saw a terrified cat bouncing from one side to the other. After it, came a furious bird one meter above the ground. We hardly understood what was going on until the cat once more bounced in front of us, now in the other direction, once more chased by the bird. We almost wet our pants in laughter because it looked so funny! Up until now, I have considered the mostly wild cats in Israel as very tough creatures that basically run the show, but now I know better. Always be aware of the furious Magpie...

I did burn my back the other day, I admit it, but it is not worse than it will be gone in a few days! However, aikido yesterday was characterised by a long turmoil, created by the fact that each time I landed on my back it felt like someone poured napalm all over it. On Saturday we will go to the beach in the morning with Yoram's nephew and his family (Yoram and his nephew are almost the same age - complex family) and then I promise to be good with the sun screen, but... There are some new findings to consider before you choose to constantly apply these products, like:
  1. Skin cancer (melanoma) is most common where there is little sunshine especially in high latitudes and industrial countries where most people lead an indoor life
  2. The white populations of Australia and Hawaii have astoundingly high rates of melanoma and both use large amounts of UVB blocking photochemical sunscreens
  3. The most important source of vitamin D is sunlight and vitamin D inhibits the growth of melanoma by 60%
  4. Sun exposure is associated with a 60% increase in survival in patients with malignant melanoma
  5. Sunburn is significantly inversely associated with death from melanoma
  6. Higher vitamin D (more sun exposure) = lower melanoma
  7. People who use sunscreen are more susceptible to melanoma
  8. UVB light (the rays that burn) produces melanin which makes you tan. The ability to tan is highly protective against melanoma. Suncreen inhibits this
  9. UVA light (deep penetrating) is a potent carcinogen (cancer causing) in humans as it generates free radicals and causes oxidative stress
  10. UVA is the main cause of malignant melanoma
  11. Most chemical filters found in sunscreens absorb UVB but not UVA so they do more harm than good by reducing vitamin D production and increasing the risk of cancer
This information was borrowed from where you furthermore can learn more about which chemical substances should be avoided. If you want to know even more, listen to this research lecture about Skin Cancer/Sunscreen - The Dilemma. Clearly, as with so many other things, sunscreen is a product that has been marketed by a powerful propaganda machinery, which scares people and encourages them to buy expensive products, based on inaccurate information. So people, get out there in the sun, but initially only for short moments, and build your natural defence up by forming melanin, instead of applying dangerous chemicals to your skin!

Saturday afternoon I will bring Yoram and the kids to a Swedish Midsummer gathering with some other Swedes in Yarkon Park in Tel Aviv. I have not met any of these people in person yet, but it will be loads of fun! We will all bring some food and drinks and have a huge picnic. I might even make a Midsummer flower decoration for my hair, hippie as I am... Incredible how your national identity flourishes as soon as you leave your home country. Even for me, who is more of a world citizen than anything else... I thought!


TinTin said...

That's what I always thought. Using your brain as well is better than using Sunscreen exclusively.

Jojo said...

On the spot! And trust nature a little bit... ;)