Monday, June 8, 2009

Bibi between hay stacks

Although official election results in Lebanon are expected later this afternoon, pro-Western coalition is already celebrating triumph. This is good news for all the pro-Western Lebanese people who want to live in freedom and peace, both among themselves and with their neighbours. Let us just hope that the new government will work hard towards ensuring that Lebanon will not be used as a base for violence against the State of Israel and against Israelis. Paradoxically, had the Hezbollah coalition taken power, they would no longer be able to hide behind the Lebanese state’s apron and this would have forced the organization to carefully weigh its offensive moves, while now, they will remain as an underground resistance movement. When you are dealing with an underground group, it can distinguish itself from the state in which it acts, and when it attacks there is a moral problem with retaliating at a government that is not responsible for such group’s actions, even if it lacks the power to restrain it...

Yisrael Beiteinu's ministers were absent from a vote on a civil marriage bill on Sunday, despite having promoted the issue as one of the cornerstones of their campaign for office. If passed, the bill would have allowed citizens of Israel to marry without obtaining a religious license. The Ministerial Committee on Legislation rejected the bill, proposed by Kadima, in the absence of Yisrael Beiteinu's ministers. Yisrael Beiteinu's true face has been exposed and the party's representatives have been revealed as opportunists who betray their voters the first chance they get.

Next week Benjamin Netanyahu will deliver an official address, detailing his governments policy on peace and security, and we are waiting in anticipation. Bibi realises that we have arrived to the moment of action, but parts of his government will be a tough nut to crack, including members that still work actively to pursue and facilitate further expansion of settlements in the territories, like Shas' Eli Yishai. Hillary Clinton mentioned that every Israeli leader she has personally known, or investigated, has sooner or later come to the same conclusion about what is best for Israel and this is not more than the logical evolution following when the full image is revealed. Imagine if every person could achieve the same overview and enlightenment...

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