Snowdrops (Galanthus nivalis)
In Malmö I have my closest friends and my parents and I feel very strongly for Malmö in so many ways. Nevertheless, I am so happy that I left before it consumed me completely. I did not have a future in Malmö, but I could have easily got stuck here. Yesterday, as I walked through the city in 2 degrees above zero and dirty piles of melting snow everywhere I suddenly saw all the negative aspects that I don't miss and I felt a strong sensation of relief over the fact that I don't belong here anymore.
I spent the evening with my beloved friends and it was a wonderful meeting filled with laughter and love. I recommend a few months abroad for anyone who wants to do a spring-cleaning in the friend registry. During my time abroad some persons have disappeared, while others suddenly turned out to show more honest interest, not always as expected, but very refreshing. True friends will always be there and they are not connected to a place or a time.
This morning the first signs of spring had appeared from under the melting snow and suddenly some of the Malmö melancholy evaporated and I remembered how wonderful it can be here during more comfortable seasons. However, Malmö just happened to be the stage on where my previous life was played and nowadays I walk the streets as a guest.
Winter Aconite (Eranthis hyemalis)