The short shock treatment with hundreds of millimetres of rain is over for this time. During the coldest evenings I think we measured 16 degrees here in Tivon. It was basically like a less good Swedish summer day. Today we are back on 27 degrees and for the weekend they promise around 33. However, the house has been successfully cooled down by the rainy week and I doubt that the indoor temperature will rise again before April. This is the Israeli winter in a nutshell. Freezing inside and mostly warm and comfy outside. It is quite a funny feeling to walk around in Shepherds sheep-skin shoes indoors and switch to flip-flops to go outside. Now I also have to remember to turn on the water-heater if I don't want a cold shower, which is something we never have to do during summer. Then the water is heated on the roof by the sun, for sissies that need it. Myself, I showered cold for three months to cool down.
As much as people here pray for rain, as poor are the resources to recover the water when it finally starts pouring down. Most of it is unfortunately going straight out into the Mediterranean or into inexpedient water streams. We try to be as conscious as possible and save water by using minimal amounts of kitchen utensils, closing the water when soaping dishes, as well as ourselves, and we even have a bucket in where we collect the cold water that comes from the shower before it gets warm. This water we then use in the kitchen, for Goshen and for rinsing dishes. Imagine if all people could direct some awareness to their water consumption.
har du sett mina bilder på regnet i tel aviv... sikken flod av vatten som bara forsar ner i havet.
min ide var att anlägga en konstgjord dam där vattnet rinner ut. använda det vattnet till bevattning mm.
och på sommaren när den är helt torr så är bottnen en fantastisk sketeboard ranch...
vem ska jag prata med?!
Ingen dålig idé! Vi får försöka att hitta en finansiär... ;)
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