Sunday, January 31, 2010

Thick as a brick

The kids have been here this weekend and we have also had Swedish aikido guests, so my packing could not practically start until today Sunday, and tonight Yoram will take me to the airport for a flight at 5.30 tomorrow morning. I am a list-writing person and the list for preparations and packing was prepared since a few days back, which just lets me follow it today. Last night I had a pounding pain over my right eye and I suspect a sinusitis, which of course is something of the worst to combine with a flight, but what can you do? Nasal decongestion drops in masses to relieve the pressure-induced pain and then I will have to see if I have to take more serious measures when I arrive in Sweden.

Both dogs follow me around like two curious shadows since they sense that something is about to happen. Some moments it feels more painful to leave them than to leave Yoram. Yoram can after all reason, he knows that I will be back and we will talk and chat and so on, but for the dogs, Mummy just disappears for four weeks. Maybe I will be ridiculous enough to ask to talk to them through the phone at some point. They are after all my babies...

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