Monday, June 6, 2011

Love, eat, learn, sleep, poo, pee...

Yesterday my little Pita became 10 weeks old, and she has gained 300 g during that first week in our home. She had almost only puppy kibble, but I want to slowly get her used to a mixed diet of raw meat, bones, organ meat and fish, complemented with some kibble, just like my other dogs. One day she got a chicken back and she went completely bananas with it, but I did not let her run and hide with it, since I want her to get used to us messing with her food irrespectively of how attractive it is for her. I grabbed the piece of chicken carcass while she was chewing on it and she did not show any tendencies of food aggression, which is a good sign. She did get slightly loose in the tummy from it, but nothing serious. I will give her another piece tomorrow.

Pita is eating and growing!

Pita is now officially a bed dog. My husband has always said "never any dogs in bed", and that is also how we started with Pita, and it worked OK. However, slowly she broke him down, and first she was allowed to be on the bed while we were sitting there with our computers, but soon she also spent the first night with us. Truth is that it has made the toilet business at night much easier. Now we notice immediately if she wakes up, and we can take her out right away, while when she was on the doggy bed on the floor, we always had accidents at night. I don't mind either. There is nothing more cuddly than spooning with a warm pup, and I am sure that the future will sort itself out. The funniest thing is that my husband blamed Yuval and said "You know, Yuval said that you can never keep pit bulls out of bed!". :)

Pitas left eye is still blue as the sky, while her right eye is somewhere between green and amber. It is clear to me now that she will stay odd-eyed.

Today I practiced some obedience with Pita in the park for the first time. Barak was also with us and I worked with them both intermittently. At first she was a bit too excited, and jumped on me instead of sitting down in front of me in the recall, but she soon focused and worked beautifully. In the kitchen she handles a "stay" both sitting and laying for up to 15-30 seconds, and I can also get up and move a few steps back and forth, while I have her absolute focus. One time I even circled 360 degrees around her without her moving, which is very well done, after merely a weeks training.

She is tirelessly trying to seduce Barak to play with her, but most of the time he just ignores her and moves away, and if she gets too rough on him, he educates her. However, the other day he actually bowed down for her for the first time, and sometimes he drops toys in front of her, so I think that it is only a matter of time before they really play.

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