Wednesday, May 26, 2010

1 year in Israel

Today it is one year ago since I came with my luggage stuffed with my most important items to settle here in Israel with Yoram. I never felt any cultural shock, in contrast to some other people I have spoken to. As far as I can remember I accepted everything with ease, thanks to my easygoing nature, which is a gift that I am very grateful for. Nevertheless, as I look back on the blog posts from that time I realise how much I have acclimatised in one years time. The blueberry is growing sabra thorns.

Some things are still not established as much as others, but I am in no rush. I will get my first working permit in a months time, which will open some more doors. Hebrew I have mostly studied on my own, with my books, and primarily the kids as guinea pigs. However, I feel that during the last few weeks I have shifted into a new gear and actually started to actively use the language with adults around me, to an extent that I did not do before. I force Hebrew on to Yoram, and I talk and chat with my friend Samir, whose English is poorer than my Hebrew. I clearly recall that I had the same mode of action when I learned Danish. I listened, read, talked in my mind for a long time, before I suddenly started to talk one day. This is somewhat the same. I have a first level language in there, and now it is time to start letting it out. No better way to celebrate one year in Israel!

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