Thursday, September 24, 2009

My Swedish girls in Tel Aviv

Spent the day in Tel Aviv with my wonderful Swedish girlfriends! What would I do without this realm where I can speak Swedish for a while and discuss how it is to move to Israel and start a life with an Israeli guy and plan a future with him, including everything that involves. You are all priceless, and you know who you are!

The peak of the holiday is emerging with Yom Kippur on Monday. Yom Kippur is the day of atonement and a very serious day and everybody respects this, even secular people. From Sunday afternoon and all Monday no one drives their cars, which enables a unique phenomenon where all streets and roads are invaded with kids on their bicycles. It is like all Israel transforms into a fairy tale where the children rule. Look forward to see it. I am more sceptic to a day in chastity, but I might be able to survive that too...

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